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« Tuesday 6th November 2007 | Main | Thursday 8th November 2007 »


keane from fareast

hi ray,

u did mention with 100pound & winning 1%/day from bank roll will hit 3,700 after a year... still don't understand how u can reach 3,700??

can u explain more.


keane from fareast


Hi Keane,

I have sent you an email with all the workings of how to start with £100 and by adding 1% profit / day, you will end a year with £3700.

It is just a matter of compound interest and the way that if you always reinvest your interest/profits the amount will grow expotentially.



Hi Ray,

Just a quick question about percentage of bank to be used, when you started with £200 how aggresive where you in your staking? did you start using 1% with that size of bank, or did you go all in to build up funds? ive only a small bank and using 1% wouldnt yeild much of a return for me.



Hi Jon,

The appropriate phrase to use would be 'Don't do as I do, do as I say'. When I started I tried to make £25 / day and in the most part I managed but it was a bumpy ride and as you will have seen in an earlier post I had built my bank up to £3.5K and went all the way back to £300.

One of the best lessons I have learnt is to go for small percentage gains as they are easier to achieve and you will not feel the need to chase big losses. You will also build your confidence much quicker.

If you stick to 1% on a starting bank of £100 you will still be a millionaire within 3 years. Good Luck I hope you get there.



Hi Ray,

Thanks for your response. My staking is an area i definately need to improve on, im happy with my strategy (2.5 goals and test cricket)but i feel i let myself down over staking and im always interested in peoples views on the subject.
Anyway i hope your son gets to grip with his trading and becomes a chip off the old block.


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