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« Wednesday 7th November 2007 | Main | Friday 9th November 2007 »


Mike T

Ive been reading and following your success lately and want to thank you for your ideas but i have a question/problem that probably reflects a lot of your readers.
how do you keep your other half off your profit? i find mine getting raided constantly which leeds me into risks that i would not normaly take in aneffort to recoop, if you get my drift.
anyway at least i still have some money to play with.

thanks and lots of respect.



Hi Mike,

That's easy to answer, divorce. I have been seperated over a year and the divorce is now in progress. As I have the children full-time my wife has no recourse to my earnings.

What I would suggest you do is set a target that you want to build your bank up to, have a rule that no money will be withdrawn until you get to your target and then when you get there withdraw half of your monthly profits at the end of each month. This way you will have a safe and still growing bank along with an income to satisfy your other halfs desires.

Good Luck with your trading.



I have one question about your trading.

Why you and other traders back selections (under 2.5)and then lay off in parts?
Is that better than just back and lay soon as possible (trying to get best price, but in small time frame)?

And what to do if goal come in, is it best to take loss right away?



Hi Artanis,

I think it is better to lay off in stages. I tend to back the unders for more than I would if I was holding on longer. By laying off in stages you limit your liability quicker and after making your first couple of lays the stress levels are so much lower.

If a goal is scored I would normally go back and back the undes for the same as my liability at that time, this has the effect of shortenen the time you will have a liabilty before you can get out of the position.

Good Luck.


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