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« Sunday 19th November 2006 | Main | Tuesday 21st November 2006 »



Hi Ray
Excellent blog, its always good to read and assess how others go on....its the way I start my day check on the gambler and the sports trader!!
I used to have a similar strategy to you on the unders in football, but abandoned it after a few of the games had first half goals....what stop strategy do you have if the market moves against you?

Keep up the good work, hopefully I might learn something :-)
GL Rob


Hi Rob,

Thanks for the compliment. I always check on The Gambler aswell it is normally a good read.
If I have a 1st half goal against me I would normally just go straight back in for more and then begin laying off again. Check tonights thread as I had a similar situation on the Arsenal game.
It's good to have you aboard and fell free to comment at any time.


Betdaq and horse racing, hi ray, i have a curiousity, you are a betdaq trader and usually there are quite more betfair traders around, I would like to know if you use some kind of software or the web interface to trade on horses.


Hi Angelo,
I just use the standard website with no software, although I have used the STW and Racing Traders software but have always come back to doing it long hand. You will also find it takes a lot less clicks to enter a bet on Betdaq.


When laying in-running gg's Ray, is there a maximum price that you will not lay above?


Hi boycee,

I would normally only lay at up to 2/1 but evrey now and then if a horse looks well beat I will lay at up to 10/1.


Interesting stuff Ray. Keep it up!



Thanks James, will try to keep it up, good luck.


Hi Ray
do you have SIS or just normal ATR and RUK.


Hi Billy,
I only have ATR and RUK, take a look at this page where I tell you all about my IT set up.

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