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« Tuesday 28th November 2006 | Main | Thursday 30th November 2006 »



Hi ! Do you want to exchange the links? Answer me
here , please.


Hi Sloba, Yes I will add your link later today. I have just had a quick look at your site and find it very interesting.


Hello there, I am curious about your trading strategy on the unders\overs market. What is your reasoning behind laying the unders after a goal has been scored?


Hi Rob, I know it sounds strange but it is a fact that people tend to over-react to a goal and you can get on at odds higher than fair value. In the Newcastle match tonight I have been waiting for a goal just to let me get back into the market.


Rob, sorry I have just read your comment again. I back the unders after a goal not lay.


Ray, actually you answered the question I meant to ask... If that makes sense!

I have really enjoyed your blog and hope you keep it going. I appreciate it must be time consuming.



Hi Rob,
Pleased I could help. The worse thing about the blog is that I know there is so much more that can be done with it but I am not that good at the technical side of blogs. The writing is done as a means of winding down at the end of the day and it is useful just to look back at what I have done.
Good Luck

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