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« Sunday 4th March 2007 | Main | Tuesday 6th March 2007 »



Hi again Ray, glad you've had a good day

well done



Hi Gavin,
Thanks you have done well yourself. I sent a few visitors to you today.


Hi Ray,
I'm in now way doubting anything here but when you saw Our Kes challenging for the lead, SIS viewers were 3/4 seconds ahead, that's a huge difference. I know the majority don't have live feed but there is surely enough to make a difference to IR prices no?


Hi Ray

Well done on yesterdays trading. Any word from Russ on the ATR Xtra scenario yet?



Hi John,
SIS does make a difference and that is the reason that I will be getting it installed in the near future but I would think that most SIS users are Betfair players.


Hi Bti,
Still no word. I don't like keep pestering Russ for an answer but I know he will read our comments here today so would expect him to give me a call.

Andrew Rigby

Hi Ray,
Good to see you back making a consistent profit again...
One question that always crosses my mind, when I see the details of your trades, is how you judge that something is a value price (eg. 1.8 on the unders last night, after the first goal had been scored). Does this come purely from experience or do you have some kind of table of guidelines... I realise that taking the value is the key to successful gambling. I always try to take value prices, but I normally do this before an event begins and when you have much longer to consider all of the variables because the market is not so volatile. Making this assessment in the heat of battle - when things are changing at a frantic pace - is just not something I would feel confident of doing (especially if placing the size of bets that you do !).


Hi Andrew,
Thanks for your comments. The judgement of value is my greatest attribute and it does come with experience. I know others do keep past results and tables of things like this. I do not, I can only go by what my experience of the market tells me is good value. I don't always get this right but if I can get it right most of the time I will win. Good Luck.

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