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« Monday 12th March 2007 | Main | Wednesday 14th March 2007 »



thanks for the mention ray. Yes i had a good day today so hopefully can keep it up tomorrow.



Hi Paul,
No problem, I hope you continue with the good results. Good Luck.


Hi Ray

A profit is a profit, nothing to be disappointed with. I hope they manage to sort something out with regards to ATRxtra, seems and odd silence though.


Hi Gareth,

Yes a profit is always welcome. I really don't think we will see the xtra service back but fully expect a subsciption service before too long.

I see you had a good result again. Good Luck.



No, quite the opposite! Having a bit of a review of the day and trying to spot errors just now. There was plenty of them there today so I could be some time ;)


kevin lydon

do u play asian hcaps on daq
liquidity is good and although i ve not read all ur posts ..dont think uve mentioned them
i feel they are a excellant bet but
people neglect them because of the in running phenom


Hi Ray,

I had a similarly frustrating day as well. I found the pre-event markets surprisingly volatile, although I think I was too excited and jumping in before I should have. The connection on betfair was fine though so hopefully I will learn from Tuesday and move onwards and upwards today. Gee Gees +£102, Footie +£43.

take care

Paul (in Luxembourg)


Hi Ray,

I thinks it's about time that you point out that Betdaq report their matched figures differently to Betfair. The figures may look impressive but they are still way behind Betfair.


Hi Kevin,

I have never used the asian handicaps, although I know that the liquidity is good as Betdaq have marketed this type of bet heavily in the Far East where this is the most popular type of bet. The reason I don't use them is simply because I like to trade live matches and the asian's are not great to trade.


Hi Paul,

Your results are still good but lets hope for better luck today.


Hi Nick,
I will try to clear this one up later today, there is no disputing that Betdaq broke their amount matched / race which is good to see. Any increase in turnover is good for all of us.


Yes it would be nice to get a handle on the real amount matched. We know BF double their figures (so can be worked out) and Betdaq use the liability - so its very hard to get a handle on their numbers.


Hi Ray i had a similar day yesterday,i was £34 up and didnt get that involved and was supposed to be somehere but decided to trade on more race lol.yes i lost my profit and ended £14 down.A good lesson learnt "discipline discipline discipline".I Realised that if you say SHOULD I get involved or "go do what i am supposed to be doing"then the answer is dont get involved and take the money.Greed caught me out today and i learnt from it.Oh well another lesson learned and £14 well spent for the lesson.


Hi Humble,

Let's hope for a better day today, good luck.


Good evenin Ray

Been playin on the Daq today and liquidity was good and with 0% comm have had a bargain. How long do you reckon it will last though?

Just a quick gee up to keep on Russ's case about ATR. Theres so much comment on the net but nothing from people who may know something. personally I reckon it would be a right cheek if punters had to pay ATR a sub for the benefit of betting with exchanges. At the fig you reckon that is £600 a year.

And there would still be the point that the Racetech Cowboys and those on-course would still be way ahead of us.

GL on Thu



Hi Bri,

Good to see you have been taking advantage og the 0% commission. I have no idea how long this offer will last but I will be pushing for it to last as long as possible. Liquidity is excellent again.
I will keep up the pressure in anyway I can on getting the ATRxtra truth.
If a subscription service did become available I would invisage the normal service still to be free and only those that trade in-running would want to pay for the faster service.
I am not sure how much trading the Racetech lads do, but if it is significant then I think they should be covered by the same rules that prevent jockeys and trainers laying in the markets. It is akin to insider trading. Good Luck.

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