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« Sunday 15th April 2007 | Main | Tuesday 17th April 2007 »



Hi Ray

Hope you keep up the good work and recover soon mate.
Re: the Matt thing---I think the trouble with him is that he comments on jockeys' rides almost EVERY race and it just annoys everybody.He tries to call photo finishes and often gets it wrong (which we all do but he is presenting the programme and he should realise that some poor devils will back his judgement).I know jockeys are his 'thing' but he just doesn't give a balanced view considering he is presenter.
My views anyway---guess you can tell I don't like him on the telly.
Good luck mate



Hi Pete,

Thanks for your comments. Matt does have the knack of sensationalising everything but if he thinks a jockey has let down people that have put their hard-earned cash on a horse I think he is right to say so.

Good Luck with your trading.



Hi Ray, I was at a Cheltenham preview in Dublin which Matt did the MC for, and thought he was excellent, as did everyone else I know who went. He's entertaining, funny and seems to really know his stuff. It's a shame anyone would ask for his resignation, seems to me maybe they are afraid he calls it too honestly!



Hi Cormac,

It's good to hear from you again. He certainly doesn't sit on the fence, I like his style and wish more presenters would say what they mean.


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