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« Friday 30th March 2007 | Main | Sunday 1st April 2007 »


Russ Wiseman


Tremendous performance this month. And to think you did it without ATR Extra!

In all seriousness keep up the good work and let me know if I can be of any help to the "Daq's" number one trader.



Hi Ray,

Just wanted to say 'Well Done' for a great month - awesome effort!

All the best,



Hi Russ

It was well before Cheltenham when you promised to update Ray on your two meetings with ATR and what they had to say about Extra.

Maybe you would care to comment on ATr Extra which concerns us more than your new naff tipster in the desert.

Ray well done on a great month anyway.



Hi Russ,

Thanks for your comments.

I need to get sorted out with faster pictures as I am losing out to others that do have the faster pictures at the moment. I have spoken to TurfTV this week and they will not offer 'at home traders' their new service which starts this month. I think it is very short sighted of them, they probably think there are not many of us traders about. We all have the equipment to receive these pictures as you only need a sky set up.

Any update on the ATRxtra situation would be very welcome.


Betfair Trader

Good stuff Ray. Cracking result for the month. Always nice to see a fellow blogger doing well! Hope you continue the good run into April.


Mark & Bri,

Thanks also for your comments.



Hi Betfair Trader,

Thanks very much. I see you have had one of your best ever months as well. Lets hope we can both keep this going.




Why don't you come clean and tell us what ATR said to you about delayed transmissions?
I take it that you are OK with your members backing horses after they have fallen or been pulled up?

If you want to be better than bf you have to behave better and that starts with communication and openess.

Ray thanks for keeping this issue highlighted all the best for today, (but do you ever have a day off?)



Incredible month! Keep up the good work. Perhaps you should post some tutorials one day!


Hi Jim,

Thanks. My blog is one long tutorial. Good Luck with your trades.



Hi Ray just started reading your blog well done and keep up the good work!!!, one word of warning to all about this Russ fella from Betdaq his blog is well in with the horsegraphs site hence the powered from punters tv, also do you really think he would post on peoples blogs if they were losing alot of money? a few things dont add up with the blog, also this amount matched on betdaqs racing markets should really show the true amount matched like on BF, sorry for the rant Ray but hopefully people can see through this PR man!


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