The Sports Trader had another very quite but profitable day. It is a case of having to stay focused on the trading and resist trying to make things happen. I only traded on 6 horse races all day long.
My first trade was in the 14:20 at Chester and ended all square with no profit or loss. In the 15:20 at Chester I laid Glenbuck for £95 @ 6.20 to result in a profit of £95. I followed this up with 2 small but profitable trades.
My best trade of the day came next in the 19:20 at Hamilton where I laid Highland Legacy for £206 @ 4.10 before backing back £100 @ 4.30 to leave me with a profit of £106. My last trade of the day came in the 19:30 at Wincanton and resulted in a loss of less than £2.
So my day had finished with a profit of £207.