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« Monday 19th November 2007 | Main | Sunday 2nd December 2007 »


The Gambler.

730 profit on the week sounds ok to me Ray. Live long and prosper. :-).


Good to see you back Ray.



Hi Ray. Good to hear the good news that you've made a nice profit eventually.

I, and probably many other readers of your blog as well, am interested in following the results of your dear son, Oliver, tradings. It would be a great pleasue and joy to read your reports on his scores on a regular basis.



John, Dave and Omid,

Thanks for your comments.

Omid - my son has only traded the 2 days so far, both of which I have mentioned. I will try to give more detail on his trading in the future. Oliver does intend to trade a game a day before too long.



Hi Ray,

I dropped you an email earlier and have put a post up on my blog dont give up your day job about my paper trading on tonights Man U game - I would love to hear your views on it if you can spare the time.

Many thanks,



Hi Andy,

Well done on the trading. You have traded more or less the way I do, although I would not get out quite so quickly, but it has worked well for you and that is what counts.

Best Regards


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