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« Wednesday 22nd November 2006 | Main | Friday 24th November 2006 »


The Gambler

Slowly.... slowly.... catchee... monkey. Good Luck tomorrow. :-)


You are correct John - and I will make a profit today. Good luck with your own trading.


They are always days when you things don't work out by small margins. At least you didn't break your rules like I did yesterday and shells out lots of points on a stupid lay.

Another day another dollar today :)


Thanks Brian, I hope you have a much better day today.

Philip Wilson

Your blog is well worth a read
They should make your day into a mini-series
Could be worse -you could of lost 217k


Thanks Phil,
I just try to tell it as it is and by so doing hope to give newer players a little more confidence. I would have really appreciated such a blog when I started out to give me a few pointers. When you read the Betfair forum most people say it can not be done and the rest pretend they are making a fortune. I have still a lot to learn on the mechanics of putting a good blog together, such as yours.

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