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« Sunday 1st April 2007 | Main | Tuesday 3rd April 2007 »


martin harris

I have been reading your column with interest I dont have time to do what your doing just mainly stick to laying odds on favs, have good and bad days but i think could make a lot more by covering in running (which you do)might have to give up the day job! good luck


Hi Martin,

Thanks for your comments. You are doing the same as I did in my early days when trading on the exchanges was my hobby. It's the best way to start and then as you become more used to the sites and trading you will find that your confidence and stakes build and before you know it you will be earning more money with your hobby than with your full time job. Then go full time and never look back. Good Luck.


tim o brien

Do you think this Money Vault system can deliver the returns claimed? I'm considering investing but i'm unsure,



Hi Tim,

As with all these systems there will be good times and not so good times but reading through all the detail it does seem to be a very good system. I am tempted by it myself.
I would just keep stakes small initially and see how it goes.
Good Luck.



Sorry to sound pessimistic but I saw an advert almost identical to this almost 20 years ago with the same story accompanying it. It appears to be a rehash of this, I remember subscribing but it was nowhere near £95 and was complete rubbish as most 'systems' are.
I love your blog Ray and wish you well


Hi Martin,

I have also read many articles in the past promising great wealth to subscribers. As you know I do not use any of them myself as I prefer trading but there are people that do not want to, or can not, trade for many reasons and want to look at systems to enable them to particpate in the exchange markets. Good Luck.


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