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« Monday 2nd April 2007 | Main | Wednesday 4th April 2007 »


Andrew Rigby

Hi Ray,
There is something about your entry from yesterday that is troubling me... Concerning your trade on Hold the Bid, you say that 'I did put up some backs but before any were matched the unfortunate horse had fallen'. Without fast pictures, how can this be ? Surely if you don't have fast pictures, your bet will have been matched before you are able to cancel it...
I don't want to cast doubt on the validity of your blog, but it's statements like this - which seem almost impossible - that are picked up and attacked on the betfair forum...


Hi Andrew,

This was a race with just a few runners and the horse in question had unseated it's rider before which is the reason I had laid it early. In a siutation like this and when the odds of all the horses are similar I often take this approach. Then I have a back put up which if matched would leave me a profit, but I will also watch my pictures very closely for any possible mistake. When I saw the horse hit the fence I only had to hit the cancel button which I did in this case. You will have seen that I did put up this trade on the forum so there is no disputing I actually did do this. As for the speed of pictures I know I am at a disadvantage without SIS, but then there are very few SIS players and even fewer that use The Daq and even then they have to be concentrating 100% to catch everything. Unless they had a lay already on their screens and just ready to hit the submit button I would probably still beat them.


The Gambler.

I suspect there may be a logical answer to this. Ray is playing on BETDAQ. If he left backs up on BETFAIR they would get swallowed by the SIS boys. At the moment it is quite possible that the SIS boys concentrate on BETFAIR, thus allowing Ray to clean up at The Purple Place.

The Gambler.

You beat me to it Ray.

Andrew Rigby

Fair enough. As I said, I don't want to cast doubt over the blog - and thought it better to raise the question here rather than on the public forum. I guess the rules are different on Betdaq - I just know that if I put up a in-running back on Betfair, I need to cancel it a few seconds before each fence and then re-submit ! (a little tedious, so I don't do it very often !).
I appreciate your willingness to answer every question asked of you (no matter how hostile !) - this underpins your credibility.
Keep up the good work - and the blog, which continues to be as entertaining as it always has been.


Morning Ray

Have to agree with the Gambler on this one. In Ray's case he may be the bigger fish in a smaller pool. Betfair is where all the sharks feed. All the more reason to get on the Daq as you are less likely to get hoovered by Bots.

Keep up the good work Ray and I admire The Gambler's non chasing attitude to his golf misfortune.

Best of luck to you both



Hi John, Andrew & Bri,

Sorry for the delay in answering I have been out sorting some personal problems out. Good Luck to you all and thanks for your comments.


The Gambler.

Cheers Ray. :-).

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