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« Sunday 29th April 2007 | Main | Tuesday 1st May 2007 »




I do a regular adware check and it makes a big difference to speed. I use the free version of AVG anti-spyware.



Hi Ian,

I have Norton 360 on my computer which should deal with these threats but just in case I have also just downloaded the AVG anti-spyware kit and nothing was found.



Great post Ray very proffesional and something i will have a look at myself.i seem to be missing a lot of trades lately and some of the problems you mentioned will have something to do with it.I notice when i go to the exchange shop their internet speed is lightning fast so it helps a lot and they have very few things installed on the computers.I have ben working on a new strategy for trading in running on the flat targeting certain horses "as i only traded on the longer races before" and i think there is something in it.will let you know how i get on.i havent been updating my blog recently but i will start again tonight as its good to look back and learn.thanks for all the advice/guidence Ray and good luck today.


Hi Humble,

Good to hear from you again. I think that the best set up is a computer dedicated to only the trading that way you are not downloading any problems. Good Luck with your new strategy.



I have not upgraded my pc in a while, so I too have decided to start looking. A few years ago I would have know what to buy as I kept right upto date with everything but now I am a novice.

I am thinking of being lazy and getting one prebuilt.

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